392 CHAPTER 15: OPEN SHORTEST PATH F IRST (OSPF)ip ospf partitionLayer 2SwitchingModules3 MultilayerSwitchingModulesmodifyModifies the maximum memory that OSPF can allocate.Valid Minimum Abbreviationip o pa mImportant Considerationsn There are three choices for memory allocation:n Have the module intelligently determine the maximum OSPFmemory partition size (partition size = 1). This is the default.n Have OSPF be part of module memory, growing as needed andwithout limit (partition size = 0).n Configure the maximum OSPF memory partition size manually(partition size = 4096 - ).n You typically do not have to modify the OSPF memory allocation.However, if the softRestarts statistic shown by the ip ospfstatistics option begins to climb, it means that OSPF is thrashingfor memory and you must increase the maximum memory.For a complete description of OSPF memory allocation, see the “OSPFMemory Partition” section in the OSPF chapter of the Switch 4007Implementation Guide.n The partition size option that you enter takes effect after you rebootthe module.OptionsPrompt Description Possible Values [Default]NewpartitionmaximumsizeMaximum memory size (inbytes) to allocate to OSPFmodule operationsn 4096 toavailable size>n 0 (to specifymodule memorypartition)n 1 (to specify a sizebased on amountof memory and themaximum routingtable size. Onextended memorysystems, this is4,200,000.)1 (factorydefault), orcurrent OSPFpartition size