Access Privileges on Modules 27Accessing theAdministrationConsoleTo access the Administration Console of a LAN switching module orswitch fabric module in a Switch 4007, follow these steps:1 Log in to the system.For example, you can telnet to the IP address that you had previouslyestablished for the system. When you log in, you connect to themanagement module CLI, which controls passwords and access levels formanaging all other installed modules.2 From the management module prompt, use the connect command toaccess the Administration Console of any single module.Example: To connect to a module in slot 5, at the CB9000> promptenter:connect 5.1The .1 portion of the command refers to a potential subslot. At this time,there are no subslots or submodules available, thus you should alwaysuse subslot number 1 when you connect to any slot.Once you connect to a module, you see the top-level menu of themodule’s Administration Console menu and, beneath it, a prompt similarto the following:CB9000@slot5.1 [36-E/FEN-TX-L2]:Switch 4007 software and management interfaces are built fromCoreBuilder ® 9000 switch technology. In Switch 4007 softwarereleases 3.0.0 and 3.0.5, the prompts and displays of all interfaces mayindicate this heritage.Access Privileges onModulesWhen you have connected to a switching module, you can manage itwith the same level of access that you have on the management module.For example, if you log in to the system with administer privileges, youalso have administer privileges for the switching module to which you areconnected. See “Password Access Levels” next in this section for moreinformation about access levels and passwords.