307Layer 2SwitchingModules3 MultilayerSwitchingModulesip vrrp summary Displays summary information about the virtual routers that areconfigured on your Multilayer Switching Module.Valid Minimum Abbreviationip v sOptionsFields in the IP VRRP Summary DisplayPrompt Description Possible Values [Default]VLANinterfaceindexIndex number of the virtualLAN (VLAN) for which youwant to display virtual routerinformationn One or morevalid IP VLANindexesn alln ? (for a list ofvalid indexes)–Virtualrouter IDID of the virtual router forwhich you want to displaysummary informationn Valid virtualrouter ID(1 – 255)n ? (for list ofvalid IDs)–Field DescriptionAddress IP address of the virtual routerAuth Whether the VRRP router uses simple passwordauthentication. If password authentication is configured,the VRRP router discards any VRRP packet that does nothave a matching authentication string.Error Last type of invalid advertisement received, or none.Interval Time, in seconds, between virtual router advertisements.The Master router advertises all IP addresses that areassociated with the virtual router. Backup routers on theVRID consider the Master down if two advertisementintervals pass with no advertisement from the Master.Ports Ports that are defined on the virtual LAN (VLAN) and thatare associated with the virtual routerPreempt Whether a backup virtual router preempts a Master with alower priority. Yes allows preemption; no prohibits it.