313n When you define a Primary virtual router, selecting auto-learnas the address mode automatically adds all IP addresses that areassociated with the selected VLAN to the primary virtual router.n When you define a primary virtual router on a VLAN that containsa single interface, the single interface is automatically chosen asthe primary address when you select IP-address as the Addressmode.n When you define a backup virtual router, selecting auto-learn asthe address mode configures the backup router to learn the IPaddresses that are associated with the virtual router by means ofVRRP advertisements from the primary router. The primary routermust be up for backup routers to learn the addresses that areassociated with the specified VRID.n When you define backup virtual routers, the auto-learn addressmode option enables automatic address learning for the specifiedVRID. If a new interface is added to the VLAN on a primary virtualrouter, the new IP address is sent out in VRRP advertisements sothat the backup routers that are set to auto-learn mode can learnthe new address, saving you from having to manually add the newaddress to each backup router.n Regarding advertisement intervals, consider the following:n The smaller the advertisement interval, the smaller the failover timeif the master fails.n The advertisement interval must be the same across the set ofVRRP routers that are associated with a single VRID. Backup routersmust have the same advertisement interval as the master router.OptionsPrompt Description Possible Values [Default]Virtual router type Type of virtual routerthat you want todefinen Primaryn BackupPrimaryVLAN interfaceindexIndex number of thevirtual LAN (VLAN) onwhich you want todefine the virtualroutern Index number of an IPvirtual LAN (VLAN) thathas been defined onthe modulen ? (for a list of selectableindexes)Indexnumber offirstavailableVLAN