Ignoring Friendly Third-Party Devices 479Ignoring FriendlyThird-Party DevicesBy default, when countermeasures are enabled, MSS considers anythird-party transmitter to be a rogue device and can sendcountermeasures to prevent clients from using that device. To preventMSS from sending countermeasures against a friendly device, add thedevice to the known addresses list.To add a device to theknown addresses listTo add a device to the known addresses list, use the following procedure.1 In the Rogue Detection tab, click on the toolbar. The Create KnownAddress dialog box appears.2 Click OK.If you are not currently using the Rogue Detection tab, you still can movea rogue to the known address list using the following procedure:1 Do one of the following to display the Create Known Address wizard:■ In the Organizer panel, expand Rogue Detection, right-click on KnownAddresses, and select Insert.■ In the Modify Rogue Detection wizard, click Known Address at thetop of the wizard, then click New Known Address.2 Type the BSSID of the device in the Device Mac Address box.3 Click Finish.To display the knownaddress listTo display the known address list, use the following procedure.1 In the Organizer panel, click on the plus sign next to a Mobility Domainname to display the objects in the domain.2 Click next to the plus sign by Rogue Detection.3 Click next to the plus sign by Known Addresses. The MAC addresses(BSSIDs) in the known address list appear.