298 CHAPTER 7: C ONFIGURING AUTHENTICATION , AUTHORIZATION , AND ACCOUNTING PARAMETERSYou must provide the same password that is defined on the RADIUSserver.13 In the Authorization Password box, type the password used for outboundauthentication and authorization to a RADIUS server (1 to 32alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs). This authorizationpassword overrides the default authorization password for MAC users.Providing an authorization password is required only for users whosedevices are authenticated by their MAC addresses or for last-resort users,neither of which have a regular username or password. For MAC users,the password is the user’s MAC address, by default. MSS obtains theMAC address from frames received from the device. For last-resort users,the password is 3Com.Changing the password applies both to MAC users and to last-resortusers.14 Do one of the following:■ To define RADIUS servers, go to “Defining RADIUS Server Groups”.■ Click Finish to save the changes and close the wizard.Defining RADIUSServer GroupsA server group is a group of one to four RADIUS servers. Server groupsenable RADIUS server redundancy by allowing another server to be usedif the first server is unavailable. You must create at least one server group,even if you are using only one RADIUS server. You can specify the order inwhich servers are used for authentication. You can also specify loadbalancing, which uses all servers in a group using a round-robinalgorithm.To define a RADIUS server group1 Access the WX Switch wizard for the WX switch. (See “Accessing theModify Switch Wizard” on page 185.)2 Select AAA at the top of the wizard, if not already selected.3 Select Default RADIUS Parameters from the organizer list on the left sideof the page, if not already selected.