344 CHAPTER 7: C ONFIGURING AUTHENTICATION , AUTHORIZATION , AND ACCOUNTING PARAMETERSabout ACL name restrictions, see “Setting Up ACL Basic Properties” onpage 348.)12 In the Out ACL Name box, type the name of the output ACL that appliesif the location policy rules are matched. The name can be 1 to 32alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs.13 Click Finish to close the wizard and save the changes.ConfiguringMobility ProfilesMobility Profile™ attributes allow or deny access to the network for aspecific user or group of users. When you create a Mobility Profile, youspecify which MAP ports, Distributed MAPs, or wired authentication portsare to be included. Typically, you include ports that are defined as MAPports or Distributed MAPs. You can specify that all or no ports areincluded, or you can specify a list of ports to be included.After creating a Mobility Profile, you can assign it to users created in thelocal WX user database, or users who are authenticated and authorizedby a RADIUS server. You assign the name of the Mobility Profile by usingthe Mobility-Profile RADIUS attribute, which is a 3Com vendor-specificattribute (VSA).1 Access the WX Switch wizard for the WX switch. (See “Accessing theModify Switch Wizard” on page 185.)2 Select AAA at the top of the wizard, if not already selected.3 Select Mobility Profile from the organizer list on the left side of the page,if not already selected.