242 CHAPTER 5: C ONFIGURING WX S YSTEM AND ADMINISTRATIVE P ARAMETERS2 To set the gateway IP address for a default route, click on an entry in theGateway IP Address column.3 Edit the IP address to the address of the gateway the route uses.4 To change the cost for using the route, double-click the value in theMetric column for the route and type a value for the cost (0 to2,147,483,647). Lower-cost routes are preferred. The default is 1.5 Repeat step 2 through step 4 for each default route you want toconfigure.6 Do one of the following:■ Go to “Configuring IP Aliases” on page 242.■ Select another item in the WX Switch wizard, if you are using thiswizard.■ Click Finish to close the wizard and save changes.Configuring IP Aliases You can map an IP address to a name by creating an IP alias. For example,if you create an IP alias carmel for IP address, you could typetelnet carmel rather than telnet You can use IP aliases inconjunction with DNS. If you use IP aliases and DNS is enabled, the WXlooks up IP aliases before checking for entries on a DNS server.Creating IP AliasesTo create an IP alias:1 Do one of the following:■ Open the WX Switch wizard, then select IP Alias under IP Services inthe organizer list of the System and Administrative page.■ In the Organizer panel, select IP Services under a WX switch orDomain Policies, then select Edit > Properties. The Modify IP Serviceswizard appears. Click on IP Alias at the top of the wizard.Here is an example of the IP Alias page in the WX Switch wizard.