316 CHAPTER 7: C ONFIGURING AUTHENTICATION , AUTHORIZATION , AND ACCOUNTING PARAMETERSConfiguring andManaging AccessRules forAdministrativeUsersThe 3Com Mobility System supports two types of access rules foradministrative users, based on how the administrator accesses the WXswitch:■ Administrative accessUsers with this access rule connect to the WX switch using Telnet orSecure Shell (SSH).By default, if no authentication has been set for administrative users,the local WX user database authenticates all incoming Telnet or SSHsessions.After you have configured authentication for administrative users,only usernames matching the user glob specified for authenticationcan successfully access the WX using Telnet or SSH. Any otherusername-and-password combinations fail authentication.■ Console accessUsers with this access rule connect to the WX switch using a consolecable that is plugged directly to the WX switch.By default, if no authentication has been set for console users, anyusername-and-password combination is able to log in using theconsole. (In the CLI, entering a carriage return for the username andpassword also allows access through the console.)After you have configured authentication for console users, onlyusernames matching the user glob specified for authentication cansuccessfully access the console. Any other username-and-passwordcombinations fail authentication.vlan-name(network accessmode only)Virtual LAN (VLAN)assignment.On some RADIUSservers, you mightneed to use thestandard RADIUSattributeTunnel-Pvt-Group-ID,instead ofVLAN-Name.Name of a VLAN that you want theuser to use. The VLAN must beconfigured on a WX switch within theMobility Domain to which this WXswitch belongs.Table 22 Authentication Attributes for Local Users (continued)Attribute Description Valid Value(s)