www.dadehpardazan.ir 88594014-154.3 Trial Operation for Servomotor without Load from Host Reference4-74 Trial Operation4.3.3 Trial Operation under Position Control from the Host Controller with theSERVOPACK Used for Speed ControlTo operate the SERVOPACK in speed control under the position control from the host controller, check theoperation of the servomotor after finishing the trial operation explained in 4.3.2 Trial Operation in Speed Con-trol.Step Operation Reference1 Recheck the power supply and the input signal circuits, and turn ON the SERVO-PACK control power supply.3.2.3 Example of I/O Sig-nal Connections in SpeedControl2 Adjust the speed reference input gain (Pn300). 5.3.1 Basic Settings forSpeed Control3 Set the encoder output resolution (Pn281). 5.3.7 Setting EncoderOutput Pulse4 Turn ON the main circuit power supply of the SERVOPACK. 5Check that speed reference input (the voltage between V-REF and SG) is 0 V, andturn ON the servo ON (/S-ON) input signal.Note: If the servomotor moves at a very low speed with the speed reference input at0 V, adjust the reference offset so that the servomotor will not move.5.3.2 Reference OffsetAdjustment6To check the speed of the servomotor, execute a constant speed reference at a lowspeed through the host controller.Example: Visually check that the servomotor moves once per second with a speedreference of 60 mm/s.Note: If the speed of the servomotor is not correct, check the reference sent by thehost controller.8.1 List of Monitor Dis-plays7To check the movement of the servomotor, execute a simple positioning referencethrough the host controller.Example: Input a reference that is equivalent to 100 mm of movement for the servo-motor. To confirm that the servomotor moved 100 mm, do a visual check orcheck the feedback pulse counter (Un00D [pulse])Note: If the movement of the servomotor is not correct, check the reference sent bythe host controller.8.1 List of Monitor Dis-plays8 Return the speed reference input to 0 V. 9 Turn OFF the servo ON signal (/S-ON).