Scanning44 DocuMate 250 Scanner User’s GuideSelecting Options for the Scan ButtonThe One Touch Options determine the types of DestinationApplications available for the Scan button, as well as the location ofthe files of your scanned items.To select options:1. Open the One Touch Properties window and click the Optionstab.2. Select button options as described below:Show All Destinations—This option selects all the DestinationApplication categories. The list of Destination Applicationsavailable for the Scan button will include all the applications onyour computer that fall into these categories. The list alsoincludes printers and other devices connected to yourcomputer so, for example, you can scan an item and have itprinted immediately.Select Destinations—Select this option to individually choosethe types of applications to include in the list of DestinationApplications. Check the boxes for the type of application toinclude.• Document Management includes PaperPort and otherapplications for processing and keeping track of yourscanned documents.• Image Editors include Microsoft Paint and other drawingand graphics applications.Options tab.