Scanning52 DocuMate 252 Scanner Userís Guide7. Now scan with that button and the scanned document will be inthe sPDF format.8. To search for the text, open Adobe Acrobat Reader or AdobeAcrobat.9. From the Adobe Acrobat File menu choose Open, and openthe file you just scanned.10. From the Adobe Acrobat Edit menu choose Find.11. The Find dialog box appears.12. Enter the text you want to find, and click the Find button.See the Adobe Acrobat user manual for more about finding textin a pdf file.Scanning with Event ForwardingIf you want to specify an application to use for scanning at the startof the process, you can use event forwarding. The scanner willfeed in the first page, but will then stop until you select theapplication to use. After you select the application, its interface willopen and you can use it to continue with the scanning.To scan with event forwarding:1. Open the OneTouch Properties window.2. Using the arrows, choose a button to use for the eventforwarding.