DocuMate 252 Scanner Userís Guide 37Scanning4. After selecting a new type of Destination Applications, click theMulti Function tab to see which ones are added to the list.Show Progress WindowóSelect this option to display theprogress window of the document(s) during scanning.Create copies of scanned documentsóSelect this option ifyou want a copy of your scanned documents to be saved in thefolder specified in the Folder Copy Options section. Note thatthese copies are in addition to the scanned files sent to theDestination Application. For example, if the DestinationApplication is Microsoft Word, two copies are savedóone inthe Word folder and the other in the copy location folder. Thisoption is not available if you have Document Management orStorage and CD-R/W selected as the Destination Applicationtype.Folder Copy OptionsóType the name and path of the folderwhere you want to store copies of scanned documents, or clickthe Browse button and find the folder for the copies. Select thegrouping option for the documents. Group by button groups thedocuments under the name of the OneTouch button. Forexample, if the button is named Printer, the documents aregrouped under the name Printer. Group by type groups thescanned documents by the type of file, such as .doc or .jpg. Ifyou also want to group them by date you can choose the weekand month options.5. Click OK to save the options for the selected button.Creating a New Scan ConfigurationThe scan configurations are where you select the scanningresolution, brightness, mode (color, black&white, or grayscale),and a number of other settings.The Scan Configurations.The Lock Icon.Click New to create anew Scan Configuration.