Faxing176 Xerox ® WorkCentre® 7220/7220i/7225/7225i Color Multifunction PrinterUser GuideBasic Internet Fax SettingsThis section includes:• Selecting 2-Sided Scanning Options .......................................................................................................................176• Specifying the Orientation of the Original ...........................................................................................................176• Specifying the Attachment Format ........................................................................................................................177Selecting 2-Sided Scanning OptionsYou can use the 2-Sided Scanning options to set the device to scan one or both sides of an original.To set 2-sided scanning:1. Press the Services Home button, then touch Internet Fax.2. To enter recipient details, touch an option or touch Skip.3. Touch 2-Sided Scanning.4. Touch an option.− 1-Sided: This option scans only one side of the original image and produces 1-sided outputfiles.− 2-Sided: This option scans both sides of the original image.− 2-Sided, Rotate Side 2: This option scans both sides of the original image, rotating the secondside.5. Touch OK.Specifying the Orientation of the OriginalYou can use the Original Orientation option to specify the layout of the originals that you scan. Theprinter uses the information to determine if images require rotation to produce the desired outputTo specify orientation:1. Press the Services Home button, then touch Internet Fax.2. To enter recipient details, touch an option or touch Skip.3. Touch Original Orientation.4. On the Original Orientation screen, touch the desired orientation.− Portrait Originals and Landscape Originals refer to the images on the originals.− Upright Images and Sideways Images refer to the direction the originals are loaded in thedocument feeder.Note: If you use the document glass, place the original in the same orientation face down as it wasface up.5. Touch OK.