91© Vallox Oy - All rights reservedSPVKCIPBCDEFGHAOperation and sample connectionAlways follow first and foremost the connection diagramprovided by the HVAC designer or heat pump manufacturer.Also read the duct radiator manual.Enclosed is an example of connecting the duct radiator tothe heat collection circuit.Connect the duct radiator output pipe to the heat collectioncircuit return pipe. The fluid returning from the duct radiatoris directed back to the heat collection circuit return pipe.If the pressure loss inside the heat collection circuit of theheat pump is known to be high, it is recommended that theheat pump be bypassed. When this happens the pressureloss in the one-way bypass valve Y2 must be lower than thepressure loss in the heat pump.If the duct radiator is used both for preheating and cooling,it must be installed in the outdoor air duct before theventilation unit. In this case, the pump and the solenoid valvecan be controlled using a Vallox MV ventilation unit, and noseparate thermostats are needed.NOTE: HEATINGThe pump starts when the outdoor airtemperature drops below the winterlimit value set at the factory (-5 °C).NOTE: COOLINGThe value set for the supply airtemperature of the active profile(e.g. At home) controls the startupof the pump. The pump starts whenthe supply air setting is below thetemperature of the supply air that isblown into the apartment.NOTEWhen selecting the relay (C), takeaccount of the maximum allowedcombined power supply (6W) ofthe circuit board in the external MVelectrical box, if the relay power supplycomes from the circuit board’s +24Vconnector.PCirculation pump. Not included in the delivery. The pump must be compatiblewith the fluid used in the heat collection circuit, and its capacity must becorrect. (For example, Grundfoss Magna 1 25-80)V Solenoid valve. Not included in the delivery. The valve that is chosen must becompatible with the heat collection circuit fluid. (For example, ELV05006, StigWahlström)K Condensing water tube. Not included in the delivery.L Supply air thermometer. Not included in the delivery.IP De-aerator. Not included in the delivery.S External electrical box for the MV.C 24 VDC relay/contactor for controlling the pump and the solenoid valve. Notincluded in the delivery. (For example, ABB CR-P024DC2)Y One-way valve. Not included in the delivery.Y2 One-way valve. Not included in the delivery. The pressure loss must be lessthan the pressure loss of the heat pump.DUCT RADIATOR OPERATION CHARTA Ventilation unitB Supply airC Outdoor airD Feed from the distribution boardE Air extractionF Duct radiator (reverse connection)G Heat pumpH Heat collection circuitTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS