85Searching and Storingsearching. The scanner creates this group if it does notalready exist.Storing a Trunked SystemYou can store talk group ID’s into the system you selectedin “Selecting a System”. Otherwise, the scanner storestalk group ID’s in a new group it creates.Note: Trunked system search and store does not work ifan EDACS SCAT system is selected, a system with nofrequency is selected, the selected system is locked outor the quick key for system to which the system belongsis turned off, and the group you selected to store foundtalk group ID’s contains more talk group ID’s than themaximum set in Max Auto Store.1. Follow Steps 1-3 under “Selecting a System”. Asearch option appears.2. Turn the scroll control until the type of search youwant appears, then press E to select it. A searchband appears.If all systems are locked out, All Locked! appears andthe scanner does not store any frequencies.When you select a search range, the scanner looks foractive talk group ID’s within that range and ID Search andStore appears on the display’s lower line and the systemname and search range name appear on the display’supper line. When the scanner finds an active talk groupID, it checks to see if the talk group ID has already beenstored in the system. If the talk group ID has already beenstored, the scanner continues to search. If the talk groupID has not been stored, it stores the talk group ID into agroup named FOUND CHANNELS, then resumes searching.The scanner creates this group if it does not already exist.