GlossaryStrata CT I&M Manual October 2000 GL - 7ROM Read Only Memory—Refers to the type of system memory that holdsstatic software that comprises the mechanics of the features’functions. ROM is only revised by Toshiba software engineers.ROMS Remote Cabinet Interface Unit Subassembly—A subassemblyinstalled on the RRCU that enables two Strata CT remote expansioncabinets to at one location.RSIS Optional RS-232 Serial Interface Unit—A subassembly installed on theRSIU optional interface unit that allows the system to be connected toany of the following features: voice mail SMDI, MIS for ACD, SMDR,local DK Admin personal computer, external maintenance modem,Open Architecture personal computer.RSIU Optional RS-232 Serial Interface Unit—An optional PCB that providesinterface to any of the following features: voice mail SMDI, MIS forACD, SMDR, local or remote DK Admin Personal computer, built-in(RMDS) or external system maintenance modem, Open Architecturepersonal computer. By itself, the RSIU PCB provides one interfaceport. With up to three RSIU/RMDS subassemblies, it can provide up tofour interface ports.RSTU Standard Telephone Interface Unit—An optional PCB (an older versionof RSTU2) with a built-in ring generator that provides interface foreight-standard telephones or optional hardware peripherals (voicemail devices, Background music source, fax machines, etc.). TheRSTU has a built-in 80V RMS sine wave ring generator. The RSTUalso has connectors for the R48S, which extends station loop lengthand is described in this section.RSTU3 Standard Telephone Interface Unit—An optional PCB functionallyidentical to the RSTU. RSTU3 also contains a 90-volt DC messagewaiting/generator/switching circuit to operate standard telephonemessage waiting lamps.RWBF1 Wall bracket Fixture—Bracket that is part of an installation kit (RFIF)that is used to floor mount systems.RFMF Floor Mount Fixture—Fixture that is part of an installation kit (RFIF)that is used to floor mount systems.R48S Optional 48V Power Supply—Subassembly that can be connected tothe RSTU to extend the loop length of standard telephone circuits(including the resistance of the phone) from 600 ohms to 1200 ohms.[SDN] Secondary Directory Number.SF Super Frame.SLT Single-line Telephone.SMDI Simplified Message Desk Interface: RS-232 link from PIOU, PIOUS,RSIS, or RSIU modular jack connected to a voice mail machine toprovide Strata CT voice mail integration.SMIS Software MIS for ACD.Term Definition