Computer Telephony Integration9-16 Strata CT I&M Manual October 2000lineGetAddressStatusThis function queries the specified address for its current status. The current status is returnedusing the data structure lineAddressStatus:lineGetCallInfoThis function returns detailed information about the specified call. The information isreturned in a data structure of the type LineCallInfo:dwMaxForwardEntriesdwMaxSpecificEntries11dwMinFwdNumRingsdwMaxFwdNumRings33dwMaxCallCompletionsdwCallCompletionCondsdwCallCompletionModesNot supported by Toshiba DKT TSPIdwNumCompletionMessagesdwCompletionMsgTextEntrySizedwCompletionMsgTextSizedwCompletionMsgTextOffsetNot supported by Toshiba DKT TSPIField Name SettingdwNumInUse 1 if there is a call associated with the address, 0 otherwisedwNumActiveCalls 1 if there is a call in any state other than ONHOLD at the address, 0otherwise.dwNumOnHoldCalls 1 if there is a call holding at the address, 0 otherwisedwNumOnHoldPendingCalls 1 if there is a call in either the ONHOLDPENDINGCONF state or theONHOLDTENDTRANSFER state, 0 otherwise.dwAddressFeatures If there is no call associated with the given address, this field will containthe value - LINEADDRFEATURE_MAKECALL. Otherwise it will be 0.Field name SettingdwLineDeviceID The number of the line device being addressed.dwAddressID The address ID for the call associateddwBearerMode LINEBEARERMODE_VOICEdwRate 0dwMediaMode LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICEdwAppSpecific Retains the value passed in lineSetAppSpecific.Field Name Setting