Computer Telephony IntegrationStrata CT I&M Manual October 2000 9-39Note A Comma was added as a pause to ensure dial tone is returned prior to dialling.This is not needed if Dial 9 accesses LCR. If the user wants all calls to be placed using a specific line, for example, atelemarketing application in which the user is assigned a specific line for all theircalls, then the following string can be used to assign that line to a specific button onthe phone:[Modem][DDEDial=Dial,STRATLNK,[Dial,"9, %s","x"]Note Were "x" is the number of the key that the call is to be made on. Key numbers on theDKT start at "0" from the bottom left key to "19" at the top right of the keystrip.Changing or adding actions in StrataLinkThe actions available from the selection menu have been tested to work with the Goldmine 95software. When you change or add new actions, make sure that you fully understandGoldMine's DDE capabilities, because they are made at your own risk. Toshiba TechnicalSupport only supports the predefined actions.Figure 9-23 POP action for GoldmineThe DDE execute string, [CALLERID("&P","&N","2")], can be changed to control how thescreens work in Goldmine when a call arrives. The most common option in the thirdparameter is defined as "0", in the example above. This setting displays only the currentrecord of the current call. Goldmine has four available options for this string which are:"0"Displays an incoming call dialogue box as the call arrives. Additional actions are neededto find the additional records in Goldmine."1"Displays a new record on the screen in addition to any open records currently displayed."2"Displays only the current record of the call being processed at the moment."4"Displays a list of all contact records when a specific contact cannot be found. You canalso select an existing record, update the record, or make an additional entry to the record.