84 https://www.toshiba.com/tic/Direct Access Parameter InformationQ9 Plus ASD Install/Op ManualAutomatic Function SelectionProgram Utilities Display ParametersThis parameter setting is used to configure multiple parameterswith the setting of only one parameter. From the selection below,multiple parameters may be set as indicated in the table.Once set, the selected configuration is placed in effect andremains in effect until this parameter is changed or the individualsettings are changed.Set this parameter to Disable to set these parameters individu-ally.Note: After performing the desired selection, the EOI displayreturns to Disabled though the selected function has beencarried out (i.e., without this, if selection 1 is performed,F004 and F207 would hold the RR terminal settingregardless of attempts to change the settings individually).Settings:0 — Disabled1 — RR2 — V/I3 — Select RR or V/I by TB (Terminal Board)4 — Keypad Frequency and Command from TB5 — Keypad Frequency and Command6 — Coast StopDirect Access Number — F040Parameter Type — Selection ListFactory Default — DisabledChangeable During Run — NoUser Selections0 1 2 3 4 5 6RelatedParamsDefaultSettingsDis-abled RR V/IRR orV/I viaTBKeypad/Freq.CMD/TBKeypadFreq/CMDCoastStopComModeF003TerminalBoard N/C TerminalBoard KeypadFreqMode 1F004RR N/C RR N/C RR Keypad N/CS3TerminalF117PresetSpeed 3 N/CFreq.Ref.PriorityN/C STFreqPriorityF200TerminalBoard N/C Terminal Board N/CV/I SetupF201 0.0% N/C 20.0% N/C N/CFreqMode 2F207V/I N/C RR V/I Keypad N/CAlwaysOn F110NotAssigned N/C 0N/C = No Change — the setting remains as it was before settingparameter F040.F040 – F100