Toshiba Q9+ Installation & Operation Manual
Safety Information and PrecautionsQ9 Plus ASD Install/Op Manual 5• A detailed system analysis and job safetyanalysis should be performed by the systemsdesigner and/or systems integrator before theinstallation of the ASD component. Contact theTIC Customer Support Center for optionsavailability and for application-specific systemintegration information if required.Personnel Protection• Installation, operation, and maintenance shall beperformed by Qualified Personnel Only.• A thorough understanding of the ASD will berequired before the installation, operation, ormaintenance of the ASD.• Rotating machinery and live conductors can behazardous and shall not come into contact withpersonnel. Personnel should be protected from allrotating machinery and electrical hazards at alltimes.• Insulators, machine guards, and electricalsafeguards may fail or be defeated by thepurposeful or inadvertent actions of workers.Insulators, machine guards, and electricalsafeguards are to be inspected (and tested wherepossible) at installation and periodically afterinstallation for potential hazardous conditions.• DO NOT allow personnel near rotatingmachinery. Warning signs to this effect shall beposted at or near the machinery.• DO NOT allow personnel near electricalconductors. Contact with electrical conductorscan be fatal. Warning signs to this effect shall beposted at or near the hazard.• Personal protection equipment shall be providedand used to protect employees from any hazardsinherent to system operation.System Setup Requirements• When using the ASD as an integral part of alarger system, it is the responsibility of theASD installer/maintenance personnel to ensurethat there is a fail-safe in place (i.e., anarrangement designed to switch the system to asafe condition if there is a fault or failure).• System safety features should be employed anddesigned into the integrated system in a mannersuch that system operation, even in the event ofsystem failure, will not cause harm or result insystem damage or injury to personnel (i.e., E-Off,Auto-Restart settings, System Interlocks, etc.).• The programming setup and system configurationof the ASD may allow it to start the motorunexpectedly. A familiarity with the Auto-Restartsettings are a requirement to use this product.• Improperly designed or improperly installedsystem interlocks may render the motor unable tostart or stop on command.• DO NOT install power factor improvement/correction capacitors or surge absorbers on theoutput of the ASD.• Use of the built-in system protective features ishighly recommended (i.e., E-Off, OverloadProtection, etc.).• If a secondary magnetic contactor (MC) or anASD output disconnect is used between the ASDand the load, it should be interlocked to halt theASD before the secondary contact opens. If theoutput contactor is used for bypass operation, itmust be interlocked such that commercial poweris never applied to the ASD output terminals (U,V, or W).• When using an ASD output disconnect, the ASDand the motor must be stopped before thedisconnect is either opened or closed. Closingthe output disconnect while the 3-phase output ofthe ASD is active may result in equipmentdamage or injury to personnel.• The operating controls and system statusindicators should be clearly readable andpositioned where the operator can see themwithout obstruction.• Additional warnings and notifications shall beposted at the equipment installation location asdeemed required by Qualified Personnel.WARNINGCAUTION |
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