Toshiba Q9+ Installation & Operation Manual 11Installation and ConnectionsQ9 Plus ASD Install/Op ManualPower Connection RequirementsConnect the 3-phase input power to the inputterminals of the ASD at R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3.Connect the output of the ASD to the motor fromthe ASD terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3. The inputand output conductors and terminal lugs used shallbe in accordance with the requirements listed in thesection titled Voltage/Current Specifications on pg.280.If multiple conductors are used in parallel for theinput or output power and it is necessary to useseparate conduits, each parallel set shall have itsown conduit and not share its conduit with otherparallel sets (i.e., place U1, V1, and W1 in oneconduit and U2, V2, and W2 in another — refer toNEC Article 300.20 and Article 310.4). National andlocal electrical codes should be referenced if threeor more power conductors are run in the sameconduit (refer to NEC Article 310 adjustmentfactors).Note: National and local codes should bereferenced when running more thanthree conductors in the same conduit.Install a molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) orfuse between the 3-phase power source and theASD in accordance with the fault current setting ofthe ASD and NEC Article 430.The ASD is designed and tested to comply with ULStandard 508C. Modifications to the ASD system orfailure to comply with the short circuit protectionrequirements outlined in this manual may disqualifythe UL rating. See Table on page 284 for typeform-specific short circuit protection recommendations.As a minimum, the installation of the ASD shallconform to NEC Article 110, the OccupationalSafety and Health Administration requirements, andto any other local and regional industry codes andstandards.Note: In the event that the motor rotates in thewrong direction when powered up, reverseany two of the three ASD output powerleads connected to the motor.System GroundingProper grounding helps to prevent electrical shockand to reduce electrical noise. The Q9 Plus ASD isdesigned to be grounded in accordance with Article250 of the NEC or Section 10/Part One of theCanadian Electrical Code (CEC).The grounding conductor shall be sized inaccordance with Article 250-122 of the NEC or PartOne-Table 6 of the CEC.— The Metal Of Conduit Is Not AnAcceptable Ground —The input, output, and control lines of the systemshall be run in separate metal conduits and eachshall have its own ground conductor.ASDs produce high-frequency noise — steps mustbe taken during installation to avoid the negativeeffects of noise. Listed below are some examples ofmeasures that will help to combat noise problems.• DO NOT install the input power and output powerwires in the same duct or in parallel with eachother, and do not bind them together.• DO NOT install the input/output power wires andthe wires of the control circuit in the same duct orin parallel with each other, and DO NOT bindthem together.• Use shielded wires or twisted wires for the controlcircuits.• Ensure that the grounding terminals (G/E) of theASD are securely connected to ground.• Connect a surge suppressor to everyelectromagnetic contactor and every relayinstalled near the ASD.• Install noise filters as required.Figure 3. Q9 PlusASD/Motor TypicalConnectionDiagram. |
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