Toshiba Perfecptione Installation And Maintenance Manual
PROGRAMMING PROCEDURESSECTION200-255-312FEBRUARY 1992second digit. In this case, the DDP is used todifferentiate between the two code types (seeexample). If the ICC response is “N,” then callswill be made using the normal NPA formula ofNO/i X and NNX.Enter: 1, 2, or 3 digits or NONE.Example: If ICC is ‘Y” and the DDP is pro-grammed as 1, then the dialed number209-1234is recognized as a call within the home areacode, while the dialed number 1-209-555-l 234is recognized as a call outside the home areacode. If ICC is “N,” this dialing plan is not used.When entering DLCl , ACT (Table 12-3), the nextprompt will be:RN0 (Route Table Number)-Identifies thenumber of the Route Table (programmed in theRTB sub-program of the DLC2 Program) to whichthis Area Code Table is assigned. Entering OUTwill clear all area codes from Route Table Num-bers (RNO)l - 14 and will assign all area codesto RN0 15. Entering a Route Table Number 1 -14, followed by OUT will clear only RN0 XX andwill assign the area codes to RN0 15.Enter: 1 - 15 orOUT or1 - 14 OUT.ACA (Area Codes-Add)-Indicates the area codesthat are to be added to this RNO. A maximum of160 area codes are permitted. Initially, RN0 15contains all possible 160 area codes, but ascodes are added to RN0 1 - 14, they areautomatically deleted from RN0 15.Enter: NO/l X NO/l X etc.TABLE 12-3Area Code TableLoad the DLCI Utility Program. When TYPE is prompted, proceed as follows: ..ITEMRoute Table NumberArea Codes - AddArea Codes - DeletePROMPT USER ENTRY NOTETYPE ACTRN0 Route Table 1 - 15, OUT, or NN OUT 1ACA NO/l X, NO/l X, etc. 2.ACD NO/lx, NO/lx, etc. 3NOTES:1. OUT clears RN0 1 - 14 and assigns all area codes to RN0 15. NN OUT clears RN0 NN andassigns the cleared area codes to RN0 15.2. Input area codes are to be added to this RNO. A maximum of 160 codes in the format NO/IX arepermitted (N = 2 - 9, X = 0 - 9). At start-up, RN0 15 contains al/possible area codes. As codesare added to RN0 1 - 14, they are automatically deleted from RN0 15.3. Input codes to be deleted from this RNO. As codes are deleted from RN0 1 - 14, they areautomaticallyadded to RN0 15. Codes can onlybe deleted from RN0 15byadding them to anotherRNO.4. - =.B6 =: m:Ignore line entered.Backspace.Stop printing and return to REQ.Exit program,12-4 |
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