EN80GlossaryAnalogue audioAn electrical signal that directlyrepresents sound. In contrast,digital audio can also be anelectrical signal, but is an indirectrepresentation of sound. See alsoDigital audio.Aspect ratioThe width of a TV screen relative toits height. Conventional TVs are 4:3(i.e., the screen is almost square).Widescreen models are 16:9 (thescreen is almost twice as wide as itsheight).ChapterJust as a book is split up intoseveral chapters, a title on a DVDdisc is usually divided into chapters.See also Title.Component video outputEach signal of luminance(Y) andcomponent (P B /CB , P R /CR ) isindependent to output so that youcan experience picture colour as itis.Also, due to compatibility withprogressive video (625p/525p), youcan experience higher-densitypicture than that in interlace (625i/525i).CPRM(Content Protection forRecordable Media)CPRM is a scrambling copyprotection system for the protectionof “copy-once” broadcastprogrammes (e.g. some satellitebroadcasts).Digital audioAn indirect representation of soundusing numbers. During recording,the sound is measured at discreteintervals (44,100 times a second forCD audio) by an analogue-to-digitalconverter, generating a stream ofnumbers. On playback, a digital-to-analogue converter generates ananalogue signal based on thesenumbers. See also Samplingfrequency and Analogue audio.Dolby DigitalA system developed by DolbyLaboratories that compressesdigital sound. It works with stereo(2ch) or multi-channel audio.DTS(Digital Theater System)DTS is a multi channel surroundsound system. By connecting toDTS decoder, you can enjoydynamic and realistic sound likemovie theatre. DTS surround soundtechnologies were developed byDTS, Inc.FinaliseTo make DVDs that have beenrecorded playable in DVD players. Itis possible to finalise DVD-RW/-Rand DVD+RW/+R discs with thisunit.INSTANT SKIPThis unit can skip TV commercialsduring DVD Video playback. Once[INSTANT SKIP] is pressed, thestart point will be set forward 30seconds and playback resumeautomatically. (You can press[INSTANT SKIP] up to 6 times.)JPEG(Joint Photographic ExpertsGroup)JPEG is a method of compressingstill image files. You can copy JPEGfiles on CD-RW/-R discs from acomputer and play back the files onthis unit.MP3(MPEG Audio Layer 3)MP3 is a method of compressingfiles. You can copy MP3 files onCD-RW/-R discs from a computerand play back the files on this unit.PBC (Video CD only)(Playback Control)This function enables you to playback interactive software using amenu screen. See also Title.PCM(Pulse Code Modulation)PCM is a format that converts audiointo digital data. It is mainly used forAudio CDs and DAT. This unit canplay back sounds as realistic aspossible by converting evencompressed Dolby Digital andMPEG audio to PCM.PlaylistFrom this list, you can play backcontents of a disc in your desiredorder or in sequence. It is alsopossible to directly search for aspecific scene.Progressive Scan (625p/525p)A type of display that does not spliteach frame into fields, and insteadscans directly through all thescanlines of each frame in order.Progressive Scan provides lessflickering and higher imageresolution than traditional (625i/525i) TV signals. Refer to pages 19and 69 for instructions on theProgressive Scan mode selection.Region codeRegions associate discs andplayers with particular areas of theworld. This unit will only play backdiscs that have compatible regioncodes. You can find the region codeof your unit by looking on the rearpanel. Some discs are compatiblewith more than one region (or allregions).Sampling frequencyThe rate at which sound ismeasured by a specified interval toturn it into digital audio data. Thenumber of samples in one second isdefined as the sampling frequency.The higher the rate is, the better thepossible sound quality.S-Video outputVideo is output as the individualsignals of colour(C) andluminance(Y), so a higher-qualitypicture will be displayed.Title(DVD)A collection of chapters on a DVD.See also chapter.(Video CD)The contents of a Video CD. Whenplaying back a Video CD with thePBC function, the Title menu willappear automatically.TrackAudio CDs and Video CDs usetracks to divide the contents of adisc. The DVD equivalent is called achapter. See also Chapter.Video modeVideo mode is the same recordingformat as used on the DVD-Videosyou purchase in local shops. Youcan play back the discs recorded inthis format in most DVD players,however it offers only limited editing.You will need to finalise discsrecorded in Video mode beforeplaying them back on other unit.VR modeA basic recording format forDVD-RW. VR mode offers advancedediting, and you can record and editmaterial repeatedly, however it isplayable only on VR modecompatible unit. Finalisation isrecommended before playing themback on other unit.+VR modeA recording format for DVD+RW/+R.+VR mode offers basic editing, andit is playable on most DVD players.Finalisation is recommended beforeplaying them back on other unit.E9GA0BD_EN.book Page 80 Monday, March 26, 2007 10:14 AM