65 / 80Copyright © 2014 TOSHIBA TELI CORPORATION, All rights reserved. http://www.toshiba-teli.co.jp/index.htmD4235067DBlackLevelThis section describes BlackLevel control of AnalogControl category for the BG series.This control adjusts the black level of the image. It is adjustable from -5% to +25% as white saturation levelis 100%. However, when BlackLevel is lower than 0[%], the image level may not be saturated.Image Signalsaturation level0BlackLevel255(@8bit)Fig.5-14 Black Level● RegistersRegister Visibility Access DescriptionBlackLevelSelector Beginner R Returns the luminance component of Black Level setting.BlackLevel Beginner R/W Sets the absolute Black Level.● Setting- Set Black LevelSet the following value to “BlackLevel” register. Setting value is Float type.BlackLevel ValueMinimum -5.00[%]Maximum +25.00[%]* initial factory setting = 0.00[%]● Note