26 / 80Copyright © 2014 TOSHIBA TELI CORPORATION, All rights reserved. http://www.toshiba-teli.co.jp/index.htmD4235067D● Anti-chattering process for Trigger inputIn the characteristic of the open collector circuit, the signal is skewed. As a result, an unstable logic valueoccurs. To filter out an unstable logic value, this camera has the anti-chattering circuit. Therefore, RandomTrigger Shutter operates only in the stable logic value.Trig input circuit Logical circuitI/O Connector2pin: Line0TGAnti ChatteringCamera insideI/OExt Trig Trig in Act TrigTrig in(Logical)Ext TrigTrig inAnti ChatteringProcessAct TrigHigh thresholdLow thresholdSampling stepTon3.3 - 24V0V0VVccToffVcc / 2HighLowSamplingCountHighLowActual Trigger WidthExternal Trigger WidthTrigger in WidthTrig in(logic)Fig.4-6 Anti-chattering process