24 / 80Copyright © 2014 TOSHIBA TELI CORPORATION, All rights reserved. http://www.toshiba-teli.co.jp/index.htmD4235067D● I/O TimingThe received external trigger signal delays by internal circuit.And LINE2 output delays from LINE1 output by the difference of internal circuit.- Trigger InputTon3.3 - 24VEXT_TRIGTRIG_IN0V0VVccEXT_TRIG_WIDTHTRIG_IN_WIDTHToff(internal signal)(a) NegativeTon3.3 - 24VEXT_TRIGTRIG_IN0V0VVccEXT_TRIG_WIDTHTRIG_IN_WIDTHToff(internal signal)(b) PositiveFig.4-4 Trigger Signal Input DelayEXT_TRIG_WIDTH: The pulse width of the external trigger input (more than 200μs).Toff: The delay time of falling edge.Ton: The delay time of rising edge.TRIG_IN_WIDTH: The pulse width of the trigger signal which is received inside of the camera.Negative trigger: TRIG_IN_WIDTH = EXT_TRIG_WIDTH - ( Ton - Toff )Positive trigger: TRIG_IN_WIDTH = EXT_TRIG_WIDTH + ( Ton - Toff )Table.4-2 Trigger input delayTrigger amplitude Toff [μs] Ton [μs]+3.3V 2.92 26.2+12V 2.12 31.2+24V 2.12 31.2* Toff and Ton are typical value.* These values are changed in operating environment.