Overview of Alarms 11/2006NCK alarms2-156© Siemens AG, 2006. All rights reservedSINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE Diagnostics Manual (DA), 11/2006 Edition12060 Channel %1 block %2 same G group programmed repeatedlyParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: The G functions that can be used in the part program are divided into groups that are syntax definingor non-syntax defining. Only one G function may be programmed from each G group. The functionswithin a group are mutually preclusive.The alarm refers only to the non-syntax defining G functions. If several G functions from these groupsare called in one NC block, the last of these in a group is active in each case (the previous ones areignored).Syntax defining G functions: 1. to 4th G groupNon-syntax defining G functions: 5. to nth G groupReaction: Correction block is reorganized.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.Remedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the softkey PROGRAMCORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block.No remedy is required. You should, however, check whether the G function last programmed really isthe one required.ProgramContinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.12070 Channel %1 block %2 too many syntax-defining G functionsParameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, labelDefinitions: Syntax defining G functions determine the structure of the part program block and the addressescontained in it. Only one syntax defining G function may be programmed in each NC block. The Gfunctions in the 1st to 4th G group are syntax defining.Reaction: Correction block is reorganized.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.Remedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the softkey PROGRAMCORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block.Analyze NC block and distribute the G functions over several NC blocks.ProgramContinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.12080 Channel %1 block %2 syntax error in text %3Parameters: %1 = Channel number%2 = Block number, label%3 = Source text areaDefinitions: At the text position shown, the grammar in the block is incorrect. The precise reason for this errorcannot be specified in more detail because there are too many possibilities.Example 1:N10 IF GOTOF ... ; the condition for the jump is missing!Example 2:N10 DEF INT VARI=5N11 X VARI ; the operation is missing for the X and VARI variablesReaction: Correction block is reorganized.Interface signals are set.Alarm display.Remedy: Press the NC Stop key and select the function "Correction block" with the softkey PROGRAMCORRECT. The correction pointer positions on the incorrect block.Analyze the block and correct it in accordance with the syntax rules given in the Programming Guide.ProgramContinuation:Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.