Bit Value Meaning11 0 The direction of rotation of the pole axis remains unchanged.1 The direction of rotation of the pole axis is inverted.12 ... 15 Reserved for OEM transformations.16 ... 18 Binary coding using bits 16, 17 and 18 (bits H10000 - H40000) defines how thechannel axes, which are entered in $NT_GEO_AX_NAME [n,1],$NT_GEO_AX_NAME [n,2] and $NT_GEO_AX_NAME [n,3], are assigned to thegeometry axes. The geometry axis identifiers are assigned in the order (X, Y, Z).Decimal Order of the geometry axes0 X Y Z1 Z X Y2 Y Z X3 Z Y X4 X Z Y5 Y X Z19 01 The last kinematic chain element, which defines the tool reference point, must bea rotary axis. The rotation vector of the rotary axis then defines the Z direction ofthe tool coordinate system. The rotation about the tool Z axis that is defined in thisway results from the corresponding definition for the local coordinate system of anaxis in kinematic chains.If the system variable $NK_A_OFF of this chain element contains a value not equalto zero, the tool coordinate system is also rotated about the coordinate axis withthis angle.20 0 The sign of the axis for determining the tool coordinate system in the Z direction isretained.1 The sign of the axis for determining the tool coordinate system in the Z direction isinverted if also bit 19 is set.Syntax$NT_CNTRL[] = ""Meaning$NT_CNTRL: Bit-coded control variable of the transformation ('Bdcbbbaaa0')Data type: INTDefault value: 0: System variable or transformation indexData type: INTValue range: 1, 2, ... (MD18866 $MN_MM_NUM_KIN_TRAFOS - 1): Bit-coded control valueData type: INTK12 transformation definitions with kinematic chains4.2 CommissioningTransformations300 Function Manual, 06/2019, A5E47435470B AA