Maximum block path lengthThe orientation characteristic is only smoothed in blocks whose traversing distance is shorterthan the settable maximum block path length:MD20178 $MC_ORISON_BLOCK_PATH_LIMITBlocks with longer traversing distances interrupt smoothing and are traversed as programmed.Maximum toleranceSmoothing of the orientation characteristic is carried out with the specified maximum tolerancebeing observed (maximum angular displacement of tool orientation in degrees):SD42678 $SC_ORISON_TOLMaximum path distanceThe maximum distance over which smoothing is carried is the specified path distance:SD42680 $SC_ORISON_DIST3.9.4.3 Activating/deactivating the orientation characteristic (ORISON, ORISOF)The "Smoothing of the orientation characteristic" is activated/deactivated in the part programusing the commands of G group 61. The commands are modal.Preconditions● System with 5/6-axis transformation.● Compressor function COMPCAD is active.SyntaxORISON...ORISOFMeaningORISON: Activating the orientation characteristic smoothingORISOF: Deactivating the orientation characteristic smoothingExampleProgram code Comment...TRAORI() ; Activation of orientation transformation.COMPCAD ; Activating the COMPCAD compressor function.ORISON ; Activating orientation smoothing.F2: Multi-axis transformations3.9 OrientationTransformationsFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47435470B AA 199