Package execution, 193User-specified topology, 432, 497System texts, 346System variables$Pack, 371ArcSelection, 374Change to version 4.7 SP2, 135ConfirmNotes, 373DriveTopology, 379DriveTopologyNotes, 379Enumeration language preselection -Language, 372Enumeration message level - InteractLevel, 383Enumeration runtime environments -Runtimes, 392Enumeration source of the DRV data, 384Enumeration, source of the NC data -NCSource, 383Expert, 368for "Step tree" dialog - StepSelection, 381for Notes on topology dialog -DriveTopologyNotes, 379for the "Notes on GSP" dialog -ServiceDataNotes, 376for the CNC software dialog - NcuSetup, 377for the Finish dialog - PackageEnd, 382for the NCU/PPU access dialog -NcuAccess, 375for the NCU/PPU initial state - NcuOrigindialog, 376for the NCU/PPU result state dialog -NcuResult, 381for the Notes for confirmation dialog -ConfirmNotes, 373for the Notes on the package dialog -PackageNotes, 373for the Notes on the step tree dialog -StepSelectionNotes, 380for the Package configuration dialog -PackageConfig, 372for the PCU access dialog - PcuAccess, 374for the Select offline archive dialog -ArcSelection, 374for the Service Platform Industry (GSP) -ServiceData dialog, 377for the SINAMICS topology dialog -DriveTopology, 379for the System configuration dialog -SystemConfig, 378for the Version display dialog - VersionView, 380Installation modes enumeration - Mode, 383NcuAccess, 375NcuOrigin, 376NcuResult, 381NcuSetup, 377Package properties $Pack, 371PackageConfig, 372PackageEnd, 382PackageNotes, 373PcuAccess, 374Processing modes enumeration -ProcessMode, 383Runtime system enumeration -DeployTarget, 372ServiceData, 377ServiceDataNotes, 376Source of the PLC data enumeration -PlcSource, 384Source of the SDB data enumeration -SdbSource, 384StepSelection, 381StepSelectionNotes, 380SystemConfig, 378Up.$Env, 392VersionView, 380System variables changeNCU/PPU initial state, 135System configuration, 135SystemConfig, 378TTabPackage, 137TAR archive, 68, 84TaskImport, 262, 268, 275Link, 262, 268, 275New, 262, 268, 275TGZ archive, 68, 84Toolbar"List of user script libraries", 342File comparison, 93Folder comparison, 74List of language resources, 352SINUMERIK archive comparison, 31Steps tab, 227ToolbarsTopo menu, 456Tools - main menuTopo, 458TopoCommand line call, 491Comparison main menu, 457IndexSINUMERIK Integrate Create MyConfig - Diff, Expert, TopoOperating Manual, 12/2017, A5E36537479B-AE 547