System variables for the Notes on the topology dialogTable 4-51 "Notes on the topology" dialog - DriveTopologyNotes (Dialog ID)System variables Type Change effective until Description ExampleUp.$Dialog.DriveTopologyNotes.Activated BOOL Last script before dia‐logActivating the dialog processing false / trueProcessMode ProcessMode enumera‐tion (Page 382)Processing mode enumeration Up.$Dialog.ProcessModes.MANUALInteractLevel InteractLevel enumera‐tion (Page 383)Message level enumeration Up.$Dialog.InteractLevels.ALLSee alsoNotes on the topology (configuration) (Page 195) System variables for the SINAMICS topology dialogTable 4-52 "SINAMICS topology" dialog - DriveTopology (Dialog ID)System variables Type Change effective until Description ExampleUp.$Dialog.DriveTopology.Activated BOOL Last script before dia‐logActivating the dialog processing false / trueProcessMode ProcessMode enumera‐tion (Page 382)Current dialog → OnI‐nitProcessing mode enumeration Up.$Dialog.ProcessModes.MANUALInteractLevel InteractLevel enumera‐tion (Page 383)Message level enumeration Up.$Dialog.InteractLevels.ALLAxisDriveAssign‐mentBOOL Axis-drive assignment - selection false / trueUstFile STRING Name of the "*.ust" file (compar‐ison topology)"C:\Data\ust_file.ust"UtzFile Name of the "*.utz" file (user-specified topology)"Utz_File.utz"See alsoSINAMICS topology (configuration) (Page 197)Create MyConfig - Expert4.8 Reference list, system variablesSINUMERIK Integrate Create MyConfig - Diff, Expert, TopoOperating Manual, 12/2017, A5E36537479B-AE 379