standard buttons, selection boxes, etc. All texts that are not explicitly configured by the user,are system texts.The user texts are all texts that are configured by the project engineer while creating thepackage in a project. The user texts are, for example, all information texts in fields with a yellowbackground, the names of steps in the step tree and the texts in dialogs and messages thatare generated by scripts. Standard languages of the user interfaceSix standard languages are available for the user interface texts. You configure the userinterface texts in Expert. These texts are then displayed for the package execution. Thelanguage that is displayed for the package execution is already defined by the project engineer.Whereby there is the variant where the operator selects the standard language once at thestart of the package execution.No changes are required for the system texts with regard to the six standard languages,because they are always part of the package.You must configure the user texts in Expert for the desired standard languages and store themin language resource files.The following standard languages are available for SINUMERIK Operate:Table 4-34 Supported standard languages in Create MyConfigLanguage Language code*English ENGFrench FRAGerman DEUItalian ITASimplified Chinese CHSSpanish ESP*The language codes correspond to the language abbreviations of the language files used in theSINUMERIK Operate operating software4.7.2 Basic procedure for configuring the user interface languagesYou create a project with user texts that you store in the corresponding properties fields of thedialogs and steps in a standard language (Page 346) which you have selected. When youhave completed the configurations, export your standard language in standardized"*.ts"language resource files. Forward the language resource files that you have created to atranslation office for translation into one or more of your desired standard languages.The handling, which language resource files are available and how to create them, is describedin the following sections.Create MyConfig - Expert4.7 Configuring user interface languages for packagesSINUMERIK Integrate Create MyConfig - Diff, Expert, TopoOperating Manual, 12/2017, A5E36537479B-AE 347