Programming technology functions (cycles)8.4 MillingTurning388 Operating Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-8CP40-3BA1Machining type: Plane by planeWhen milling circular pockets, you can select these methods for the following machiningtypes:● RoughingRoughing involves machining the individual planes of the circular pocket one after theother from the center out, until depth Z1 or X1 is reached.● FinishingDuring finishing, the edge is always machined first. The pocket edge is approached onthe quadrant that joins the pocket radius. During the last infeed, the base is finished fromthe center out.● Edge finishingEdge finishing is performed in the same way as finishing, except that the last infeed(finish base) is omitted.Machining type: HelicalWhen milling circular pockets, you can select these methods for the following machiningtypes:● RoughingDuring roughing, the circular pocket is machined downward with helical movements.A full circle is made at pocket depth to remove the residual material.The tool is removed from the edge and base in the quadrant and retracted with rapidtraverse to the safety distance.This process is repeated layer by layer, from inside out, until the circular pocket has beencompletely machined.● FinishingIn finishing mode, the edge is machined first with a helical movement down to the bottom.A full circle is made at pocket depth to remove the residual material.The base is milled from outside in, using a spiral movement.The tool is retracted with rapid traverse from the center of the pocket to a safety distance.● Edge finishingIn edge finishing, the edge is machined first with a helical movement down to the bottom.A full circle is made at pocket depth to remove the residual material.The tool is removed from the edge and base in the quadrant and retracted with rapidtraverse to the safety distance.