A p p e n d i x E A d v a n c e d F e a t u r e C o n t r o l sE - 3 8 I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s esyngo VVI (Velocity Vector Imaging) ControlsControl DescriptionExit Exits the module.Strain/Velocity Measurement WindowDisplays velocity, strain, and strain rate information in the Strain/Velocity Measurement window.Global Measurements WindowDisplays ejection fraction (EF), Dmin, Dmax, volume, and segmental volume information in theGlobal Measurement window.Note: This selection may not be available for traces processed using the Generic Curveprocessing algorithm.Dyssynchrony analysisDisplays peak and timing information (such as time-to-peak values) related to strain, strain rate,velocity, or displacement in the Dyssynchrony window.Note: This selection may not be available for traces processed using the Generic Curveprocessing algorithm.Long Axis Selects the Long Axis algorithm for processing the trace.Short Axis Selects the Short Axis algorithm for processing the trace.Generic Curve Selects the Generic Curve algorithm for processing the trace.Average HeartCycleWhen selected (enabled), calculates and displays the motion parameters for the average heartcycle by averaging the values from the multiple R-R intervals.Note: This selection is available for multiple-cycle clips, after processing only.Endo+Epi When selected (enabled), displays a second trace outside the endocardium trace. Required tocalculate radial strain and radial strain rate.Restores the original gamma image setting.Gamma Adjusts the gamma image setting (changes both brightness and contrast).Process ImagesCalculates velocity vector data for the selected trace.New TraceActivates the tracing (outlining) function and removes the displayed trace (if any) from thewindow.Increases or decreases the distance between the endo/epi traces. Only visible when creating orediting endo/epi traces.Bkg MMode displayAdds or removes the M-mode display from graphs.Toggle Pan/ZoomChanges the size of the displayed clip.