9 e S i e F u s i o n I m a g i n gI n s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s e 9 - 2 3To Do thisAlign the ultrasound image andthe reference data usingcorresponding points1. Activate the point function.● Select Point.○ For systems without a touch screen, press PRIORITY to select Point.The system displays the reference data and ultrasound image in a side-by-sideformat. When you position the pointer on the reference data, the systemdisplays a bull's-eye (target) marker at the corresponding position on theultrasound image.Bull's-eye marker.2. Click a location on the ultrasound image.The system displays an aqua marker on the ultrasound image, calculates theoptimal alignment of the two points, and updates the Navigator with acorresponding entry.Note: The entry markers in the Navigator for pairs of corresponding points arealways green.3. Click a location on the reference data.The system displays a green marker on the reference data. When you positionthe pointer on the ultrasound image, the system displays a bull's-eye marker atthe corresponding position on the reference data.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to position additional pairs of corresponding points on thereference data and the ultrasound image.The system recalculates the optimal alignment of all corresponding pairs eachtime you position a pair of corresponding points.Note: The system removes corresponding points from the image and theNavigator when you exit point alignment.5. Select Reset Alignment.6. To recalculate the optimal alignment, press UPDATE.7. To save the current alignment, select Save Alignment.The system updates the Navigator with an entry for the saved alignment.Cancel the most recentadjustment made to thealignment Select Undo.You can cancel all adjustments performed in reverse sequence.Display a previously savedalignment Select the required alignment in the Navigator and then click Show.The system restores the positions of the reference data and ultrasound imagewhen the selected alignment was saved.