A p p e n d i x E A d v a n c e d F e a t u r e C o n t r o l sI n s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s e E - 1 1Selections for 3D and 4D VisualizationSelection DescriptionVolume DisplayTypeVolume Display TypeSelects a display method for the quadrants. MPR Only — Displays only the MPR quadrants. 3 Slice — Displays the slices and indicates their positions in the volumequadrant. MPR + VR — Displays the MPRs and the volume.Display (Available only when the volume includes acquired power Doppler data)Limits the display to the selected set of data: 2D-mode data and/or Dopplerpower data. The display available depends on the quadrant selected. If anMPR quadrant is selected, 2D or 2D + C affects only the MPRs. If thevolume is selected, 2D, 2D + C, or C affects only the volume rendering. 2D, 2D + C, C(Available only when VOI is disabled)WireframeEnables or disables the display of the wireframe in the volume quadrant.Automatic RotationAutomatically rotates the volume according to the selected range, speed,and axis.Note: The system dithers the editing selections while the volume isautomatically rotating.Rotation Range Rotation RangeSelects rotation range (in degrees). For the 360 selection, the volumecontinuously rotates in one direction around the selected axis (for Axial, tothe right; for Lateral, downward). For other selections, the volume rotatesin both directions around the selected axis (for Axial, left and right motions;for Lateral, downward and upward motions). 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360Rotation Speed Rotation SpeedSelects rotation speed. Slow Medium FastRotation Axis Rotation AxisSelects rotation axis. Axial Lateral