A ll and more about Sharp PC -1 500 at http://www.PC-1500.infoMenu displ ay of [1] - [ 5] circu l ates in the followi ng manner..... ,(1)r• , !I r-.=-·(2)~ J!1 ~... . (Wr ll ... ~...(311r I ... !: .., 1 [-t' l -! (5). ' ~ij [j](4) •l • J fT1i ... 116. RTS, DTR signalsWhen it ch anges fr om the terminal display to the execution in the termina l program mode, boththe RTS and DT R si gna ls go int o ON state. -·It w ill return to the MENU SELECT mode wh en 10• • key is activated or LOW BA TT ERYcond itio n is met. but bo th the RTS and DTR signals w ill be subj ect to the OU TST AT statementexecuted before t he t erminal pre>gram mode.Do not sell this PDF !!! 62