Sharp CE-158 Instruction Manual
Also see for CE-158: Operation manualService manual
A ll and more about Sharp PC -1 500 at'F '6 '. . . .. . . .) ; (Y;; iN)' ------~-"F6 is slightly differe nt from Fl - F5 . An equal symbol " = "will not be displayed a ft er"F6". So, it ~comes impossible to "'" what was defined 10 F6 . Confirmat ion will alsonot be possible even in the BASIC program mode in direct. Though "F6" is convenientto keep info rmation confidentia l like pass word t hat not to be known by af1y other party,its confidentiality will not be solely dependen t .To st(l re "SOLAR ". for example. firs1 push ~ , ;.re"Ri .Then, enter L ~J U:i J l U [ ~ J ( • 1.~~~~~- -·- ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~lc:H:A:N;GE : : F : 6 ~ > ' cv:/ N) ,Y.. • • • • • + + . • • •• • • •. .. .s:o LA R _Now~ enter ~ EHt(A : •~~~~~~~~~~-~·fc H:AN:GE 1 (: Y·/ N)If no change is to be made, push ~J ( lf,,;tcA .. or · " ;. ENliR • Then, 11 wi ll revtrn to thesetup request .Information in F 1 - F6 a re stored in the reserve area.When there is no more room to detane with F 1 - F6 keys due to full occupancy of thereserve area, it wi ll return to the setup request screen after putt ing the setting erro r mes$~9~on the display,The contents of "fl" thru " f6" will be c leared when the reserve program is newed orloaded in the BAS IC mode .3) _tUsed to check the length of the bu tier that is used in the term in a1 program mode or tocheck and change communication parameters.Dep ression of ; "' • key. for instance-. w ill put t he followitig informa t ion on the d isplay.~s :u :F :F E;R. . . . .It indicates that the memory size reserved in the terminal program mode is 5888 bytes .which will be obta in&d after the e)(ecution of "NEW 0 EMfEA " with the 8 K RAM inthe computer (1850 + 4096 - 58).Maximum capacity without the use of the option memory modu le is 1850 - 58 = 1792bytes.Upon entry to the terminal program mode. it permits use of an entire free area (area that isnot used fo r program and variables). Since the capacity is indicatc dl 01) the display , it w illhe kn own how many bytes were secu red in the terminal program mode.The size can oo changed within a range of 512- free area -58.To make it 1024. for instance, perform the following operat ion .• L'!J ( ~!!TEA] •• ! •l CD r>1r.::1 .Do not sell this PDF !!! 55 |
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