A ll and more about Sharp PC-1500 at http://www. PC- 1500. info[ ILE N:G:r lHi='slsis.:s :. . . . . . . . .I I. . .!?• (Y./N) :N:. . . . . .If it is correct. push I • ·l I ..,.. I or [!] j .,.T•• : .If indicates that the present baud rate is 300.Now, let us discuss how to make change of parameters "300,8,N , 1" to "300,7,E,1" .Since there is no change required for th e baud rate. proceed to a next parame ter screen.(Same effect by the depression of ! t.n• J ':'' ~ I •NTER.J key .}~lNow, W L= B must be changed to WL =7.Enter [!] ' "''"" I and CO .[w:o\R\o'[ onER t' I ' • '. . . . . .. . . . . .' L : E : N : G : r : H ~ = 8 : ?. (! v!/ N) !N\·-~"----.l . .PR=N must be changed to PR= E.CDl • NT•• Jf'TIS r'oip'. .. .. . .) • ( Y I N') 'N~~~-- ~. . . . .. . . . .. . . ' 's 1:r :s:=1. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .' DJ'':7 :-:---'.l)'[ ' '. . . .. . . . . . . ~·~·~~~"----'~-~__....~~~~~~~Do not sell this PDF !!!