Sharp CE-158 Instruction Manual
Also see for CE-158: Operation manualService manual
All and more about Sharp PC-1500 at http://www.PC-1500.infoSignal state at power-off(1) Out;pUt signals from the CE·158 such as TD, RTS, and DTR, become unstoble w hen th efollowing condit ion is met wh ile sen ding or receiving programs or data via the CE· 158.Ca) Power on and off of the PC t 500.(b) M anipulation of the POWER sw itch of the CE·158.(c) Releasing the low battery cond i tion of the CE-158 alter recharge.(d) Mani pulation of the AC adapto r EA· 21A.If tf1e opposite sid e is in receiving operation at th is poi1'lt, it may read unstable da 1a asthough d ata is rece iv ed. In suc h an event, observe one o f the following methods.• Sta rt the executi on all over again {trans·fer of prograrn, for exi)mplc).• Send t he heade r tOgether wh en the PC· 15 00 se nds the da ta out so tha t th e r cccMn~ $od ewill receive t he data tha t fo ll ow s to t he he ader. {Exarnple will be ir1 F 1 gurt ~ hc10 ..... . )• S end the same c o nten ts o f t he d a ta f or th ree times wh en th e PC ·1 500 se nds d\1t l1 out.So that the receiving side will receive the similar data fo r more than two t u'nes.(21 Note tha t the opposite si cfe may sometrmc assume the CE- 158 ou tput si9r>ol (RTS, DT RIto be ON sta te when the PC · 1500 or CE· 158 is in On• o r l ol 1owing c ond1t1 om.(e I PC· 1500 in the power off state.(fl T he POWER switch of the CE· 158 is off.(g) The CE-158 in low battery cond ition .(h) The C E· 158 is not connected with the PC· \500 or CE·\50 that is connected w i th thePC- 1500.(Ex ample): Shown below is a program example that the Pe,.onal Computer processes thedata sent from the PC· 1 500. provided that the Personal Computer is in recciv·ing cond ition OJt |
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