Sharp CE-158 Instruction Manual
Also see for CE-158: Operation manualService manual
All and more about Sharp PC-1500 at http://www.PC-1500.infoFUNCTIONSThis uni t has t he fo ll ow ing funct ions:1. BASIC program mode2. Terminal program modeT he 11',0d e l controls program and data tr onsaction using the BASIC p rogram comrtHtnds topcrforin the follo ..ving app licat io n s:• Data exc hange w it h personal computt1r,• L isting o f progra m con tents and operational result on pr i nter .• Process ing of measu reme nt data f rom instrumentation .On the o ther ~·1a nd, the mode 2 fu nc t iOflS as a terminal un i t ""ithout need of preparing program,for instance:• As the r equired item is specified to th e data base th rough the k eyboard . the relevan ti nforma t i on 1s fetched oo the d isplay Of printed on the pri nter.• U sed lo ' the output un it of a peripheral u ni t that inco r porates no outJ)U t fe a ture.Wh en the CE· 158 is connected w ith th o P C 1500 or CE·150, be sure to turn off the compu terIPC· 1500) .As the C E- 158 is con trolled by command sta t emen ts and func ti ons used for da ta t ran s mi ~ \.1 0 n v 1;.1the HS·232C po rt, data transmission with the perip heral uni t mus1 be co n 11o ll r:d by n'lcans o f 1h os.econ1rna;nd st ateme n ts.S t i:l tr.1i1cn1s a n d fu n ctions p e rt ine nt to this un it ho ld c xccutio1'I un less RS ·?32C poi t 11 lp111 su1na ls.CT S. CD. and DSR. are all act i ve. (Executi on wi ll take 1>l aee a1 so on as all of t hese 1ig11a l go activo.)Thcrc t orc, th e- s tate of t he periphe ral un it mu s t t>e checked us ing the INST AT fu nc tion boforc o xe·c u ti on of che s; tatcmcnt.Because th e s tatus output signals to the peripheral unit, RTS aod OTR. a re ~ nact1v e af ter po1A1cr on .they have to be turned active vsing the OUTST AT statement before comm encement of da ta trOtlsnlis·sion.~PORTAf'il:Th is un11 has to be connect ed vii th the PC ·1500 \vhen program i.s created using s tat eme n ts andfunct ions pertinent to t he CE - 158 . 01he rv1ise. it v1 1ll not insure proper oper a11 o n a1 t he umeof program e x ecut ion.Also. i1 needs connection \vith th e PC· 1 500 \•1h e n the prog ram that uses statcnl cnts and func·t ions pertinen t to t he CE· 158 is ex ecuted or hs t ed .1. Low battery and POWER switchThe CE· 15B is ope rated by the inte rnal Ni ·Cad ba tterie< {AA x 4 ).( 1) Wh ~n t he PC· 1500 POWER switc h i• tu rnod on afte r tu m ing the CE- 158 POWE R ; w 1t r. h on.power is su pplied 10 the CE· t 5B from the se Ni·Cad batteries.(2) When the PC·1 500 POWER switch is turn ed off in above cond iti on (1), it turns o ff theban e ry power supply 10 the CE · 1SS..(3) Turn off the CE· 15B POWER swi t ch 10 save unnecessary powe r cons umpt ion when theexte rn a l device is not operat ing.{NOTE) To execute the instr uction of the CE· 158. be sure to tu rn on the CE · t58 powc1switch. When the instruc t ion is ex ecu t ed with the CE · 158 power off. the E RROR 50will occur. To change the program. the CE· 158 powe. switch may be in anyoosition.Do not sell th is PDF !!! 15 |
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