All and more about Sharp PC-1500 at http://www.PC-1500.info10. Special keys[ 1 ) Software keysThree ki nds of RESERVE mod ~. I. II, 111 , must be selected by means of L;_: key.1) MOOE IUser defined key sequence is ex ecuted in this mode, ex cept for the F6 key.Con t enu can be retained in the BASIC program mode du ri ng the termi na l program en try,For change in the terminal program mode, refer to the Menu Selection Mode Se tup descrip t ion .If com mand, statement and function such as RUN. GOSUB, SIN, et c .. were s ubstituted inthe BASIC program mode. they wi II not be handled in a correct monn cr in the te rm inalprogcram mode.21 MODE IIFunc tion such as TRAC E mode. NORMAL ope rat ion, AUTO PAG ED operation. andAUTO LI NE operation can be selected during the terminal progr am mode. (Sec MenuSe lec t descri ption.}. ';:--" . lI AUTO LINE operation'-- - - ---•• AUTO PAGE operation'-- - - - - - - - NORMAL operationTRACE mode'--'--- --- No n·operati on31 MODE IllThe f ollow ing functi ons are dcfin e in the terminal program mode.Resume and stop receiving operati on (alternate actionLWhen this key is pushed w hile making communication \ ~1i th the host computerwith the BUSY symbol off . it h'alu the receiving operation. If XO N/XOFF wereON in this occasion, it will send out the XOFF code (CONTROLS). Then. tl>cBUSY symbol is act ivated ond the CUrSOl disappear$ from the display. N ote thatit may take some time before the cu rsor goes out.Depression of the key in th i• condition makes the BUSY symbol go ou1 andthe communicat ion will be enabled with the ho'S t cornputer.NOTE: Key entry in the EC HO OFF condi1 ion while recep11on 11 a1 hall willse nd out that key code . fn tho ECHO ON condition, key entriesarc accepted as many as 40 bytes max imum, a nd they w i ll be se nt ou twhen tran sm ission is enabled.r "l Generates the BACKSPACE code (08 hc•r 1 PRINT START/STOP key lel1ern•• e ac1ion)Wh en th is key i• pushed while communication is hal t ed with 1he BU SY symbolon, it se nds out o n the parallel port or on the CE- 150 printer (EX T OF F) allreceived data in t he character buffer. or the contents of k ey en if EC HO ON.If the key is pushed again during output. it hal u the output.Data will be sent out from the beginning of the character butler a lter the stop ofreception operation . After the search of the character butler using the windowkey (see Window key descr iption), succeeding data to the d i1pl'y contents will beoutputted.Do not sell th is PDF !!! 45