Sharp CE-158 Instruction Manual
Also see for CE-158: Operation manualService manual
A ll and more about Sharp PC-1500 at http://www.PC-1500.infoTo make connection with other peripheral units, check specifications of the peripheral unit ifthey should match with th ose of the CE· 158. and use an appropriate cab le to connect with .Cau tions described below are basic reQuirements and they a re ex .empt in terms of software .You will have to judge for yourself after reading the command description.(11· Electrical characteristicsMake sure that it is in compliance with the EIA RS-232C stand a:rds.(2) Transmission methodThe CE-158 is operated in the a:synchronous mode, not the synchronous mode .{3) Transmission procedureNo procedure is used.(4) Baud rate and transmission data formatMake sure that it is in compliance wit h baud rate and data format.{5) Code systemThis unit us~s the ASCII code o:r interna l codes in use.(6) ConnectorUse the 25·pin DB·25{W) conne<:tor.(7) In t erfac ing signalAs fou r i np ut signal l in es and three outpu t signal l ines are used, it w ill r eQ u ire fou r l i nesfor signal inpu t. In case one output line shou ld be connec ted with two inpu t li nes, at tc n·t ion must be paid to the load resistance as it may not mee ! w it h the E IA r equ iremen t.{8) Signal flow to per iphera lBecause this u nit is a da ta terminal, connect or signals are designed fo r t ran smission he·t ......een the data term inal and the data co mmu n ication un it . Ther efore, it neeels to 1.1 se 1hl!cab le where signal flow is inverted, if th e per ipheral un it is also a data term in a l. (See figurebelow.)The majoritY of data commu 1)icatio n units are acoust ic coupler s, bu t th e p fi ntf!( X·Yplo tter. personal eomputer, ete ., are data terminal in every tase .2 TD T D 23 R D RD 34 RTS RT S 45 CTS CTS 56 DSR D SR 67 S G S G 78 CD ~ .... ........ c o 820 OTR DT R 20CE· 158 Peripheral• So far as CD and DSR concerned, it will be regarded as t he O N state when ope n, wh ileother inputs are regarded as the OFF state.• When OTA is connected to CD in add it ion to DSR. it causes h0 ot h input signa l leve ls to goout of given ratings (+3 - 15 V and -3 - 15 V) dissatisfying the EIA requ irements .14Do not sell this PDF !!! |
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