iDCS 500 Release 2 / OfficeServ INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 6 MARCH 20046.46.8 ATTACHING DCS 32 BUTTON AOM AND DCS 64BMODULES WITH MASTER STATIONThese new Ultra Base Wedges allow a connector clip (packaged with 64B Modules andAOMs) to be connected to the underside of the new style wedge and attach AOM(s) or64B module(s) together with the main or “master” station. This “clip” allows multiple64B modules and or AOMs to be secured or “chained” together to the main or “master”station they are associated with. This will make instruments associated with each otherseem as one unit (see Figure 6–7, Figure 6–8, and 6–9).6.9 ATTACHING iDCS 64 BUTTON MODULES TOAN iDCS KEYSETFirst remove the base wedge from the iDCS 64 Button Module and attach the bracketto it with two of the screws provided (see Figure 6-10).Remove the base wedge of the keyset and place it to the right of the 64 Button Moduleand attach the bracket/64 BM to the keyset with the remaining two screws.The base wedge can now be replaced.NOTE: If you wish to attach two 64 button modules to a keyset, connect the 64 buttonmodules together first and then attach them to the keyset.6.10 ATTACHING iDCS 14 BUTTON MODULES TOAN iDCS KEYSETTo add an iDCS 14 Button Key Strip to your iDCS keyset follow these steps (see Figure6-11).1. Place the keyset face down on a flat surface.2. Remove the base pedestal by placing your thumbs over the attachment clips andpress outward while simultaneously pressing down on the keyset body with yourfingertips.3. Remove the ribbon cable knockout from the bottom of the keyset.4. Clip the 14 button strip to the side of the keyset.5. Plug one end of the ribbon cable into the keyset and the other end into the 14button strip.6. Place the support bracket over the ribbon cable and secure with the six screwsprovided.7. Reattach the base pedestal.