iDCS 500 Release 2 / OfficeServ INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 5 MARCH 20045.2There is no special programming required for OPX use; however, it is suggested thatthe OPX ports are set for CO ring in MMC 208. The telephone company service facilityinterface code for OPX circuits is OL13C.5.7 T1 CIRCUITUsing a standard, straight through eight conductor data cable or straight through eightconductor line cord to connect the customer provided Channel Service Unit (CSU) tothe TEPRI card as shown in Figure 5–7.NOTES:1. It may be necessary to cut off the CSU end of the cable and attach a differentconnector to match that of the CSU. If possible, this connection should be solderedbecause good connections are critical.2. It is recommended that the CSU be connected to the network interface with a cablesupplied by the CSU manufacturer. If this is not possible or practical, a customcable has to be made up. This cable should be made from 22 gauge two pair cablewith each pair individually shielded. It is recommended that the connections on thiscable be soldered wherever possible to ensure good connections. The shielding ofthe cable should be connected to ground at the CSU end only to prevent a groundloop.ORDERING A T1The following information may be useful when ordering T1 service from the telephonecompany.PARAMETER OPTIONS IN iDCS 500Framing type Super Frame (SF) or D4Extended Super Frame (ESF)Coding type AMI or B8ZSThe coding type must be set up in the system to match the T1 span and is contained inMMC 808.5.8 BRI CIRCUITConnect the BRI facility to the “U” interface side of the customer provided NT-1 Unit.Then connect the S/T side of the NT-1 unit to the BRI interface card in the iDCS 500system as shown in Figure 5–8.