G ETTING STARTED 1.271Repairing SoftwareRepairing is required if your installation fails or the softwaredoes not work properly. This Repairing procedure does notrepair SmarThru software.1 You can select Start Programs Samsung MFP 750Series Maintenance.Otherwise, Insert the supplied D-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.2 Click Repair.NOTE: If your machine is not connected to the computer, theConnect Samsung MFP 750 Series window opens. After connectingthe machine, click Next.3 Select the components you want to reinstall and click Next.If you choose to repair the printer software, the windowasking you to print a test page appears. Do as follows:a. To print a test page, select the check box and click Next.b. When the test page prints out correctly, click Yes. If not,click No to reprint it.4 When the reinstallation is done, click Finish.