USING YOUR PRINTER IN LINUX 7.77Printers ConfigurationPrinters Configuration has the two tabs; Printers and Classes.Printers TabYou can see the current system’s printer configuration byclicking on the printer icon button on the left side of MFPConfigurator window.You can use the following printer control buttons:• Refresh: renews the available printers list.• Add Printer: allows you to add a new printer.• Remove Printer: removes the selected printer.• Set as Default: sets the current printer as a default printer.• Stop/Start: stops/starts the printer.• Test: allows you to print a test page to check if the machineis working properly.• Properties: allows you to view and change the printerproperties. For details, see page 7.10.Printer controlbuttons. Seebelow.Shows all of theinstalled printer.Switches to Printerconfiguration.Shows the status,model name andURI of your printer.