C–QConvergeConsole GUIInstalling QConvergeConsole GUI114 BK3254601-00 CInstalling QConvergeConsole in a Linux EnvironmentYou have the option of installing QConvergeConsole in a Linux environment usingeither a GUI or CLI method. To install from the CLI, see “InstallingQConvergeConsole in Silent Mode” on page 115.You can graphically install QConvergeConsole on a Linux host by running aVirtual Network Computing (VNC ®) program on a Windows host. The TightVNCViewer, a VNC program, can remotely control QConvergeConsole installation ona Linux host.To install QConvergeConsole in a Linux environment:1. Open the directory containing the installer file, which is one of the following: QConvergeConsole_Installer_Linux_i386_.bin QConvergeConsole_Installer_Linux_x64_.bin2. In the terminal window, verify that the installer file has permission to executeby issuing the ls -lt command at the prompt.3. To install QConvergeConsole, double-click the QConvergeConsoleinstaller .bin file.A prompt asks if you want to run or view the contents of the .bin file.4. Click Run in Terminal.The installer extracts the files and installs QConvergeConsole in thefollowing directory:/opt/QLogic_Corporation/QConvergeConsoleThe InstallAnywhere window prepares to install QConvergeConsole.5. In the installation Introduction dialog box, click Next.6. In the Tomcat Port Number Setup dialog box, enter a valid port number inthe range 1025–65536, or accept the default port number, 8080. Then clickNext to continue.7. In the next dialog box, select Yes if you want a localhost-only installation. Ifyou do not want a localhost-only installation, select No.NOTEThe localhost-only option installs QConvergeConsole locally so thatyou must run it locally (remote connection is not possible). To disablethe option, you must uninstall QConvergeConsole and then reinstall it,selecting No in this step.