C–QConvergeConsole GUIInstalling QConvergeConsole GUI113 BK3254601-00 CInstalling QConvergeConsole in a Windows EnvironmentThe QConvergeConsole Installer for Windows is a self-extracting utility thatinstalls QConvergeConsole and related files.To install QConvergeConsole in a Windows environment:1. Locate the directory where you downloaded the installation file, and thendouble-click the following file:QConvergeConsole_Installer_Windows_.exe2. If an Open File security dialog box appears, click Run.The InstallAnywhere utility prepares to install QConvergeConsole.3. In the Tomcat Port Number Setup dialog box, enter a valid port number inthe range 1025–65536, or accept the default port number, 8080. Then clickNext to continue.4. In the next dialog box, select Yes if you want a localhost-only installation. Ifyou do not want a localhost-only installation, select No.5. In the Pre-Installation Summary dialog box, verify that the information iscorrect, and then click Install to proceed.The installer displays the progress of the installation.A message box prompts you to confirm if you want to enable the SSLfeature, which allows data to be encrypted within a secure layer beforepassing it to and from the server.6. To enable the SSL feature, click Yes. Or to disable SSL, click No.7. In the Install Complete dialog box, click Done to exit the installer.You have installed QConvergeConsole on your server.NOTEBefore you begin, read the QConvergeConsole Release Notes and Readmedocuments for important, up-to-date product information.NOTEThe localhost-only option installs QConvergeConsole locally so thatyou must run it locally (remote connection is not possible). To disablethe option, you must uninstall QConvergeConsole and then reinstall it,selecting No in this step.